Roberta Crivellaro

Partner | Milan Padua London

Secretary Giulia Giubellini



External publications

  • Roberta is often contacted by major Italian newspapers, such as 'Corriere della Sera' and 'Il Sole 24 Ore', to provide her insights on the food and beverage sector (especially with regard to the wine market) and on the real estate market in Italy, in relation to hotels and hospitality.

  • Amongst her latest feature articles and publications:

  • 'Pink Power', Italia Oggi Sette, 2020

  • 'Flessibilità e condivisione dei ruoli in famiglia', ('Flexibility and sharing of family roles') Il Sole 24 Ore, 2020

  • 'I consigli di Roberta Crivellaro per fare carriera come avvocata', ('Roberta Crivellaro advises on legal careers for women'), 2019, Corriere della Sera

  • 'Le 100 donne Italiane vincenti', ('The top100 Italian female winners'), Forbes Italy, 2018

  • "L'avvocatessa dei billionaires", ('Lawyer to the billionaires'), Forbes Italy, 2018

  • 'I paesi più attraenti per gli studi legali', ('the most attractive countries for law firms'), Market and Business Magazine, March 2017

  • 'Le signore del diritto scalano la governance delle law firm', ('Women Lawyers move up in the governance of law firms ') Italia Oggi, March 2017