Tokyo skyline with Tokyo Tower in centre

Income and capital gains tax lawyers

With a long history of helping successful people manage their tax obligations, our income tax and capital gains solicitors offer valuable insight, whether you are considering a business deal, forming a fund or facing divorce. With offices around the world, cross-border issues pose no problem.

We have been acting as the preferred income tax and capital gains law firm for successful people and their families since our foundation more than 100 years ago.

We are frequently asked to give a tax perspective on personal or business affairs, investments in financial products, trusts and other structuring vehicles. We also advise on tax issues arising from divorce.

Being focused on the needs of private clients from around the world means that our income tax and capital gains lawyers treat every case as unique. We work with many sports stars and entertainers who, by the nature of their success, may have several sources of income, including salary, royalties and endorsements, and assets such as copyright or artwork. Our experienced income tax solicitors consider all this when assisting with tax planning over the long term – or at short notice. 

We take a collaborative approach, liaising with the firm's other teams to ensure that tax sensitivity is an integral factor in everything from employment contracts to property purchases. For example, we often advise principals of international hedge funds on the tax-efficient structuring of their remuneration and investments in the funds.

If you have international interests, we offer clear guidance on multi-jurisdictional issues, working closely with our many offices around the world. We never shy away from complexity, providing robust and sensible income tax law solutions across regions, often in completely bespoke transactions.

Track record

Employee of private equity fund

Advised internationally mobile employee of PE fund on taxation of deferred remuneration earned by him during UK and non UK residence periods but received the remuneration having left the UK. This involved a highly technical analysis, which was confirmed by tax counsel.

Employee of private equity fund

Advised internationally mobile employee of PE fund on taxation of deferred remuneration earned by him during UK and non UK residence periods but received the remuneration having left the UK. This involved a highly technical analysis, which was confirmed by tax counsel.

Abolishing the UK non-dom regime – what are your options in the UK and globally?

The decision from the current UK government to abolish the existing regime and promises made by the opposition to do the same has left many of you with questions and uncertainty. What does the future hold and what actions can you take now? 
Non-dom resources

Our team

Alexander Breedon

Alexander Breedon

Partner | London

Alexander Breedon

Partner | London

Divorce and family

View Profile
Ceri Vokes

Ceri Vokes

Partner | London

Ceri Vokes

Partner | London

Private client and tax

View Profile
Claire Harris

Claire Harris

Partner | London

Claire Harris

Partner | London

Private client and tax

View Profile
Charlie Tee

Charlie Tee

Partner | London

Charlie Tee

Partner | London

Private client and tax

View Profile
Christopher Groves

Christopher Groves

Partner | London

Christopher Groves

Partner | London

Private client and tax

View Profile
David M. Lehn

David M. Lehn

Partner | Greenwich

David M. Lehn

Partner | Greenwich

Private client and tax

View Profile
Eva Farkas-DiNardo

Eva Farkas-DiNardo

Partner | New York

Eva Farkas-DiNardo

Partner | New York

Private client and tax

View Profile
James R. Brockway

James R. Brockway

Partner | New Haven

James R. Brockway

Partner | New Haven

Private client and tax

View Profile


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Typical clients and industries include

Business man looking down at notebook by office window


From advising on tax or global expansion, helping company founders realise their vision is an important aspect of our work. Find Out More
Successful woman looking out of a car window

High net worth individuals

With complex interests that often span several jurisdictions, highly successful people need seamless advice. With a full-service offering across our offices around the world, we provide just that. Find Out More
Person swimming at sunset

Sports, talent and entertainment

Withers’ global multidisciplinary sports, talent & entertainment practice focuses on representing the interests of professional athletes, artists, entertainers, sports and entertainment businesses, investors, and organizations on a full range of legal services. Find Out More

How else can we help?

We offer a full range of services to individuals and businesses.  Find out how we can help you solve challenges or maximize opportunities.

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