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> Experience > Our practices > Real estate > International real estate wealth

International real estate wealth lawyers

We are passionate about real estate. As the global property landscape faces change and challenges, our team of international real estate lawyers is helping a wide range of clients with interest in the sector to ensure that their investments are being wisely handled.

Our real estate solicitors represent investors, developers, landowners, retailers, banks, institutions and non-profit organizations who are buying, selling, developing, leasing and otherwise investing in real estate worldwide.

Be it a mixed-use or commercial building in Los Angeles, a residential property in a 'gateway city' such as London, New York or San Francisco, a heritage property in the UK countryside, or a cutting-edge hotel project in Singapore, owning real property is exciting. But it carries along with it a range of challenges – from conducting thorough due diligence to protecting investor rights via proper compliance with financing requirements – that need to be handled properly. Our team of real estate lawyers is skilled in international real estate wealth and property law. We have seen it all and know how to help.

Track record

Our team

Simon Ewing

Simon Ewing

Partner | London

Simon Ewing

Partner | London

Commercial Real Estate

Ruby Dalal

Ruby Dalal

Partner | London

Ruby Dalal

Partner | London

Commercial Real Estate

Gerald Fujii

Gerald Fujii

Partner | Tokyo

Gerald Fujii

Partner | Tokyo

Commercial real estate

Bertie Hoskyns-Abrahall

Bertie Hoskyns-Abrahall

Partner | London

Roberta Crivellaro

Roberta Crivellaro

Partner | Milan

Roberta Crivellaro

Partner | Milan


Polly Chu

Polly Chu

Partner | Hong Kong

Polly Chu

Partner | Hong Kong


Yin T. Ho

Yin T. Ho

Partner | San Francisco

Yin T. Ho

Partner | San Francisco

Real estate

Jeremy M Wakeham

Jeremy M Wakeham

Partner | London

Jeremy M Wakeham

Partner | London

Real estate


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