Charity law and governance lawyers
It's vital that your legal team understand your vision and then find ways in the charity law context to help you make it happen.
We work with over 65% of the UK’s largest charities because we take this approach and focus on commercial solutions so you can keep having the greatest impact possible.
Trustee relationships
We also have a particular niche handling disputes within trustees, and recently supported a major non-profit client in handling a move by a faction to remove a particular trustee.
Working with the sector regulators
Whether it’s the Charity Commission or Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in England, the Office of the Scottish Regulator or the Singapore Commissioner of Charities, your relationship with your relevant regulators is key. It is essential to your interests that we also have good working relationships with the regulators. Our team is very involved in the sector and lobbying.Thanks to our large tax team, unlike other charity firms, we also have strong relationships with the IRS, HMRC, the Hong Kong Revenue Department and other tax authorities which is very useful in set up and in working with your major donors.
Royal Charter organisations in the UK
We act for more charities established by Royal Charter than any other firm – charities like the British Red Cross Society; SSAFA Forces Help; The College of Optometrists; the Arts Council of England; The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development; and, the NSPCC.We have worked on the amendment of the Charter on its bye-laws. We write the section on the law relating to Royal Charter bodies in ‘Tolley’s Charities Manual’.
Recent recognition
Our team

Roger Waite
Partner | London

Steven J. Chidester
Partner | San Diego

Stacy Choong
Partner | Singapore

Philip Reed
Partner | London

Alana Petraske
Partner | New York

Alison Paines
Consultant | London

Paul M. Roy
Of counsel | New York

Amy Carter
Senior associate | London
Typical clients and industries include

Charities and non-profit
Our significant practice in the non-profit sector means our lawyers can handle governance, mergers, commercial projects and day-to-day issues such as employment while you focus on your mission. Find Out More
Leaders and senior executives
We help business leaders to manage their responsibilities at work and home – from advising on employment contracts and regulatory matters, to dealing with tax, wills and prenuptial agreements. Find Out More
Sponsorship deals can be highly beneficial to both parties. Our global team has supported some of the world’s top campaigns and can assist with everything from contracts to negotiating deals. Find Out MoreGet in touch
Our website will give you a flavor of the advice we provide - if you would like to talk to us for more information, please contact our client services team who will be happy to assist.