External publications
Sovereign Wealth Funds: Transnational Regulation and Dispute Resolution, Withers and British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2021, co-author.
UAE in J. Fouret (ed.), Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards (Globe Law and Business, 2015), co-author.
The Law is What the Arbitrator Had for Breakfast: How Income, Reputation, Justice, and Reprimand Act as Determinants of Arbitrator Behaviour, in J.C. Betancourt (ed.), Selected Topics in International Arbitration - Liber Amicorum for the 100th Anniversary of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Oxford University Press, 2015), co-author.
International Arbitration and Insolvency - Question of Applicable Law, The 2014 Nappert Prize - Selected Papers, ICC Publication No764E.
Public Policy under the International Arbitration Act -- Emerald Grain Australia Pty Ltd v Agrocorp International Pte Ltd, ADRB 2014 Vol. 1 No. 3, co-author.
Efficiency in international Arbitration: An Economic Approach, 23 Am. Rev. Int'l. Arb. 155 (2012).
The Rise of a Third Generation of Arbitrators? Fifteen Years After Dezalay & Garth 28(2) Arbitration International (2012), co-author.
A Transnational Approach to the Arbitrability of Insolvency Proceedings in International Arbitration, International Insolvency Institute, 2012. This article was awarded the 2012 III Gold Medal Prize.