Modern office

Insight > #WorkingWorld


Change is non-negotiable. Evolution is everything.

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Our work environments are changing, and fast. But how do you keep pace with change, manage your people and your business as we look to an uncertain future?

Rapid transformation is everywhere. Technology, demographic shifts, the global pandemic, environmental issues and the changing needs of consumers and clients is having a profound impact on the way businesses operate.

Our working world has morphed immeasurably over the last decade and, thanks to the pandemic, changes may be fast tracked to quickly become permanent. This presents a unique opportunity to evolve our workplace, our workforce and the way we interact, physically and virtually.

What can we expect?

With technology readily accepted into our everyday lives, the disappearance of the ’9 to 5’, the wide ranging use of shared or ‘third’ work spaces and, now, the rapid acceleration of homeworking, we are experiencing a blurring of work and life none of us expected to see so quickly.

On top of this, employee expectations are changing rapidly, we are now welcoming Generation Z to the workplace, and diversity, inclusion, purpose and sustainability are now front and centre of the corporate agenda. Employee attraction and retention is perhaps more challenging than ever before.

How is all of this change impacting our businesses, how we manage employees and our individual wellbeing and mental health? And what might be on the horizon?

It is incredibly difficult to forecast the future, but exploring and assessing our current environments – what works, what doesn’t and what needs to change – can help us make predictions about what the future might look like, and how we can adapt.

How can we help?

We work at the intersection of employment law, business, culture and technology. Our aim is to explain the impact of our modern world on traditional law, assessing the opportunities and challenges for us all in our present and future working world.

Whether you are a business leader, employer or employee, we will highlight the key issues that affect everyone in the modern workplace so you are as prepared and protected as possible.

For help or advice on any of our #WorkingWorld issues, please get in touch below.

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#Workingworld insight

Our team

Elaine Aarons

Elaine Aarons

Partner | London

Elaine Aarons

Partner | London


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Claire Christy

Claire Christy

Partner | London

Claire Christy

Partner | London


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James Hockin

James Hockin

Partner | London

James Hockin

Partner | London


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Amarjit Kaur

Amarjit Kaur

Partner | Singapore

Amarjit Kaur

Partner | Singapore

Litigation and arbitration

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Harvey Knight

Harvey Knight

Partner | London

Harvey Knight

Partner | London


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Hugh More

Hugh More

Partner | London

Hugh More

Partner | London


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Libby Payne

Libby Payne

Partner | London

Libby Payne

Partner | London


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Meriel Schindler

Meriel Schindler

Partner | London

Meriel Schindler

Partner | London


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