External publications
Co-author of The Guide to US/UK Private Wealth Tax Planning (2nd edition), Bloomsbury, July 2016
'Philanthropy _ - no good deed goes unpunished'_, Offshore Investment - July/August 2015, co-author
'Can governments make you more virtuous?' , Philanthropy Impact Magazine - Autumn 2013
'Navigating the Treacherous Tax North Atlantic Aspects of Anglo-American Estate Planning', Chapter 18, A Guide to International Estate Planning, ABA Publishing/Section of Real Property Probate and Trust Law - August 2013
U.S IRS unveils the FATCA registration portal - Bloomberg Law Tax Planning International European Tax Service and Bloomberg BNA International Tax Centre - August 2013, co-author
'Why Charities care about FATCA', Offshore Investment - August 2013
'Intergovernmental Agreements and Their Impact on the Fiduciary and Asset Management Industries', Richard Cassell and Kristin Konschnik, Published Bloomberg BNA - June 2013;
'The United States of America Chapter in the The Law and Practice of International Charitable Giving', Oxford University Press - November 2012
Offshore Red, United States and United Kingdom sign Bilateral Agreement to implement FATCA - September 2012
Offshore Investment, Commentary Section, The Swings and Roundabouts of International Tax Policy - May 2012
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 2009, Richard Cassell, Jay Krause,_ Aaron Schumacher Theodore Ahlgren, Tax Planning International Review, BNA International, Volume 36, Number 12 -_ December 2009
Proposed U.S Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act: Impact on Non-U.S. Financial Institutions, Intermediaries and Investment Vehicles, BNA International World Securities Law Report - December 2009
Charitable Uses in the US, Richard Cassell and Khrista McCarden, Offshore Investment Journal - July/August 2007
U.S. Estate Planning For Non-resident Aliens Who Own Partnership Interests by Richard A Cassell, Michael J A Karlin, Michael J.A.; Carlyn S. McCaffrey; and William P. Streng, This report was prepared for a meeting of the American Bar Association Section of Taxation's Committee on U.S. Activities of Foreigners and Tax Treaties, held on 9 May 2003. Release Date June 13, 2003, Cite: Tax Notes Int'l, Aug. 11, 2003, p. 563; 31 Tax Notes Int'l 563 - August 2003