Nicola Haye

Senior Knowledge Lawyer | London

Secretary Jessica Trickett


Nicola is a senior knowledge lawyer in the litigation and arbitration team.

She is responsible for keeping our litigators up to date with legal and procedural developments, managing their legal skills training, and ensuring that know-how and precedents are shared and maintained. Nicola provides technical support and training for litigators based in both London and the BVI and has a particular focus on the civil procedure, costs, litigation funding, privilege and disclosure, and settlement of disputes.

Before taking up a professional support role, Nicola acted for a range of UK and US clients in the banking and franchising sectors, and was accredited as a mediator by CEDR.

Headshot of Nicola Haye

Me in a minute

Change still seems to be the order of the day

I took up the professional support role in 1999 - the year in which the English civil procedure rules were completely rewritten - and spent many happy years explaining to senior litigators how much things had changed. Change still seems to be the order of the day, and the challenge of keeping busy litigators up to speed never seems to abate.