Laura Mattar

Associate | London

Client Services Contact Jessica Trickett


Track record

Long Running Property and Trusts Dispute

Acting for the successful Defendants to a claim under section 423 Insolvency Act (Lemos v Church Bay Trust Company [2023] EWHC 2384 (Ch) on the basis of historic allegations relating to the disposition of shares in a Liberian company used to hold a matrimonial home.  The Judgment can be found here

The claim involved complex legal issues relating to injunctions, legal professional privilege and joinder.  The case involved a review of hundreds of documents from the 1980s. The case is an interesting example of how allegations relating to the authenticity of documents and dishonesty are deployed in litigation.

Acting for Successful Claimants in Fraud Proceedings

Acting for the successful Claimants in relation to a property development scheme fraud. The Claimants were successful in their claims for fraud, dishonest assistance and more after a long running dispute against the Defendant and his companies – (Lim & Ors v Ong & Ors [2023] EWHC 321 (Ch). The proceedings were initiated with worldwide freezing orders which were continued post-judgment. The case involved a heavy number of interim applications including for a succession of unless orders which led to the First, Second and Fourth Defendants being debarred from the defending the claim.

The late Sir Roger Scruton

We acted for renowned UK philosopher and academic Sir Roger Scruton in his high profile battle against political and cultural magazine, The New Statesman. Following the publication of an article with a number of defamatory remarks and subsequent tweets, Sir Roger was dismissed from his position as Chairman on a government commission. With our advice, the matter culminated in a full published apology from The New Statesman, a separate apology from James Brokenshire MP who dismissed Sir Roger, as well as his reappointment to the government commission, restoring his reputation and life's work.

Freezing injunction

Successfully representing an UHNW Brazilian family and their Family Office in High Court proceedings against multiple parties bringing claims in dishonest assistance, fraudulent misrepresentation, unjust enrichment and conspiracy involving multiple jurisdictions.  The Claim was supported by a successful application for an ex parte freezing injunction. The claim was ultimately settled before trial.

Commercial Agents Regulations

Representing a Commercial Agent in the English High Court against the well-known Australian fashion brand, Lee Mathews, in its claim for compensation and pipeline commissions pursuant to Regulation 8 and 17 of the Commercial Agency Regulations, following which the Commercial Agent was awarded in excess of £1.2m.

Reporting accuracy

Regularly assisting a well-known UK business in dealing with enquiries from national newspapers and drafting pre-publication correspondence to ensure accuracy in reporting

HMRC enquiries

Acting for a successful businessman in relation to various HMRC enquiries and related tax tribunal and Court of Appeal proceedings.