Koji Yamamoto
Partner | Tokyo
*Our Firm is a foreign law joint enterprise (gaikokuhou kyoudou jigyou) between Withers Gaikokuhou Jimu Bengoshi Houjin (whose Partners are attorneys-at-law admitted in California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii and New York, all of whom are foreign registered attorneys (Gaikokuhou Jimu Bengoshi) in Japan) and Withers Bengoshi Houjin (whose Partners, Associates and Counsel are qualified Japanese bengoshi), as defined under Article 2, item 15 of the Special Measures Law Concerning the Handling of Legal Business by Foreign Lawyers (Gaikoku Bengoshi ni yoru Houritsu Jimu no Toriatsukai ni kansuru TokubetsuSochiho) of Japan.
Koji Yamamoto is a partner in the investment management team of the Tokyo office.
Koji Yamamoto has advised clients in the investment funds and investment management area for over 14 years at international law firms in Tokyo. Prior to joining Withers, Koji has been a part of a group that has historically been recognized as a top investment management practice in Japan by the AsianInvestor and Chambers Asia Pacific.Koji has significant experience in advising offshore fund managers and financial institutions with respect to a wide range of activities in Japan from capital raising to trading on the Japan exchanges and applications for Japan financial registrations.
Koji has been recommended as a leading private funds lawyer by Who's Who Legal from 2021 to 2024. He is also recognized as a leading 'Band 1' investment funds foreign registered lawyer in Japan by Chambers Asia Pacific in 2024 and 2025.