Joshua Swift

Senior associate | London

Client Services Contact Hannah Gee


Track record

Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund

Acting for the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund and its insureds in relation to multiple professional negligence actions against barristers, including Queen's Counsel, usually following earlier complex litigation.

Professional negligence

Acting for a barrister in a professional negligence claim in relation to complex trust proceedings and alleged negligent drafting.

Negligent employee share scheme

Acting for a property company in relation to its claims against its solicitors for the drafting of an allegedly negligent employee share scheme.

Negligence disputes against solicitors

Advises various claimants in professional negligence disputes against solicitors in claims involving allegedly negligent trust drafting, lose litigation claims, property matters and business sale disputes.

Rogue director of insolvent company

Acting for officeholders in pursuit of a rogue-director of an insolvent company, obtaining multiple freezing orders and information disclosure orders.

Property development schemes fraud

Acting for a high-net worth individual in relation to investments UK property development schemes involving widespread allegations of fraud and misrepresentation and a freezing order.

Recovering of debts for large banks

Acting for a number of large banks in their pursuit of a wealthy businessman to recover debts payable pursuant to personal guarantees, including successfully resisting an application to set aside a statutory demand (and successfully resisting two appeals), and successfully presenting a bankruptcy petition.

Swap misselling dispute

Wainford Holdings Limited v RBS: Acting for a property developer in a swap misselling dispute with Royal Bank of Scotland PLC