Eleni Polycarpou

Partner | London

Client Services Contact Federica Spagnoletti


Track record


Acting for NRC (a Cypriot company) in relation to fraud proceedings issued in London and in Cyprus against a former business associate (AAD) and companies controlled by him. In London Eleni and her team obtained a default judgment in the sum of £5 million. Their attempts to enforce this Judgment by obtaining a charging order over a property in West London legally owned by a BVI company, ended in a 3 day trial in the High Court in which the BVI Company vigorously defended the claim for the final charging order. Eleni and her team won at that trial and the Judge found that the Property is beneficially owned by AAD and that therefore NRC could proceed to enforce its default judgment.

Dexia Crediop SpA and Provincia

Dexia Crediop SpA and Provincia di Brescia and Deutsche Bank AG London and Provincia di Brescia: Acting for an Italian local authority in two misselling of swaps claims against two banks and related Italian proceedings

LCIA arbitration

LCIA Arbitration - acting for a company in fraud proceedings over the alleged alienation of a Russia based asset; proceedings brought in the LCIA and in parallel proceedings taking place in Russia, Cyprus and in the BVI and involving resisting freezing order applications in all the jurisdictions

Joint venture dispute

Acting for a high net worth London based banker/financier in a joint venture dispute involving an investment in an oil storage vessel held through a Mauritius Company. This is a claim for fraud involving London, Mauritius and the Seychelles

Art disputes

Acting for a number of art collectors in disputes with art galleries and auction houses

LCIA Arbitration

LCIA Arbitration - acting for a high net worth Russian individual in a joint venture dispute involving, apart from substantial LCIA proceedings, freezing orders applications and claims in Cyprus, BVI and Russia

Dispute with former associate

Marc Newson International Limited v Stuart Parr and Parr Studios Inc: Acting for a well known industrial designer in a dispute with a former associate.

Wainford Holdings Limited v RBS

Wainford Holdings Limited v RBS: Acting for a property developer in a swap misselling dispute with Royal Bank of Scotland PLC