Duncan Miller
Global Head of PR and Corporate Communications | London
Duncan is the global head of PR and corporate communications.
He is the friendly face of Withers' press office, assisting journalists with finding the right lawyer from around the firm's international offices who will answer their questions, provide them with quotable comments and enable them to meet their deadlines. Duncan is also responsible for overseeing the firm's profile in the media.
With experience gained from more than 10 years of working in the press teams of several major UK and US-based international law firms, Duncan has an in-depth understanding of reporters' needs and working methods.
Me in a minute
Good legal PR should be able to simultaneously meet the needs of reporters and of the law firm
My unscientific view is that a good legal PR should be able to simultaneously meet the needs of reporters and of the law firm they represent, even if these needs are not always the same! In my experience, there is normally a solution which works for everyone unless confidentiality precludes it, and finding this is what drives me and enables productive relationships to be built.
When I am not managing Withers' busy press office or being deafened by my three children, I am generally happiest at the start of a long walk.