Deirdre Fu

Partner | Hong Kong

Secretary Erny Sendjaja


Track record

Establishing UK trusts and pre-nup agreements for HK family

Advised an ultra-high-net worth Hong Kong family on the set-up, under Jersey law, of various family and baby trusts to hold financial assets, properties (in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom) and listed company shares for asset protection on behalf of the children. Drafted pre-nuptial agreements and advised on the effectiveness of such agreements in Hong Kong as well as the treatment of trust assets on divorce.

Hong Kong entrepreneur

Advised a Hong Kong entrepreneur on the set up of a pre-IPO trust with application of the Virgin Islands Special Trust Act (VISTA) provisions to hold shares in his company which was to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX). Helped to devise guidelines on the membership to, and succession mechanism for, a committee with powers to appoint directors to the VISTA company; advised on the HKEX disclosure requirements for parties involved with the trust; further advised on the distribution mechanism for the minor beneficiary, as well as revised the Memorandum and Articles of Association of companies held directly and indirectly by the trust to enable tighter control.

Hong Kong client

Advised a Hong Kong client on the use of a trust governed by Hong Kong law to hold her business for succession planning; assisted with the formation of a Hong Kong company as private trust company to act as trustee of the family trust; as well as advised on the succession mechanism for membership to the trustee company.


  • ‘A Panel Discussion on Divorce - Proofing and Trust - Busting: Practical Measures for Trustees', STEP, Hong Kong - Nov 17, 2015