Christopher King

Special counsel | London

Client services contact Amy Bowins


Track record

Ownership, probate and compliance issues

Involved in dealing with immediate ownership, probate and compliance issues following the death of a key family member midway through a major restructuring of family business interests. We handled the interplay between the estate and the family's existing wealth management structures to ensure a timely and tax efficient succession process and the successful completion of the wider business restructuring.

Multi-jurisdictional succession and probate processes

A typical case involved co-ordinating multi-jurisdictional succession and probate processes in a large international estate that had a global spread of beneficiaries with individual tax and asset allocation requirements. We successfully defended a challenge by HMRC to the deceased's domicile status, dealt with the presentation of a complex double tax treaty claim relating to immediate estate and Inheritance taxes, advised on the management of cross jurisdictional income and capital gains tax exposure during the administration period and on conflicts of laws issues impacting on the burden of tax liabilities, generally_._


  • Lexis Nexis Cross Border Estates conference, London - 2010

  • STEP UK Spring Conference, Exeter, Manchester, London and Sussex - 2009