Chloe Flascher

Associate | London

Client Services Contact Hannah Gee


Track record

Academic freedom dispute

Acting (pro bono) for two leading academic professions at a prominent London university in a dispute with the multi-national publisher of their co-authored academic paper, part of which Chloe successfully secured the ongoing publication of their journal in entirely unamended form.

Harassment proceedings

Advising the individual director of a freehold property company in the successful out-of-court settlement of potential libel and harassment proceedings.

Libel settlement

Acting for Raffaele Mincione in the settlement of his defamation claim in respect of two articles published in Corriere della Sera, Italy's oldest and most-read newspaper, alleging embezzlement, fraud and corruption. Settlement included the making of a Statement in Open Court, removal of the articles from the Corriere della Sera website, an undertaking not to republish the articles, and payment of a substantial sum to Mr Mincione.

Pre-publication advice

Acting on a number of media (online, print and broadcast), reputation, and information matters for a leading construction company.

Libel litigation

Lead associate in the team acting for Raffaele Mincione in high-profile libel litigation against Italian newspaper GEDI Gruppo in the High Court and Court of Appeal.

Libel complaint

Representing British actor Laurence Fox in his libel complaint against English actors' union Equity, securing settlement which included the publication by the union of a full public apology.

British film producer

Acting for a British film producer in securing the publication of an apology in print and online by The Daily Mail and Mail Online over a damaging and inaccurate article.

Removal of false and inaccurate profiles

Acting for various HNW clients in amending or removing false and inaccurate profiles on due diligence databases.