Amanda A. Rottermund

Partner | New York

Secretary Lauren Parisi



  • 'Art Panel | Effective Planning with an Art Collection,' EisnerAmper's 13th Annual Private Wealth & Family Office Summit - June 4, 2024, speaker
  • 'Stewarding Art Collections,' Withers & Christie's Intermediary event - November 16, 2023, speaker
  • 'Stewarding Masterpieces,' Withers & Christie's FO event - September 14, 2023, speaker
  • 'Planning with Artwork,' NYSBA Trusts And Estates Law Section Spring 2023 Meeting - April 28, 2023, speaker
  • ‘Art Law Day 2022 - NFT Ownership: Living with, Planning and Advising,' Appraisers Association of America, Inc., New York - November 11, 2022, speaker
  • 'Creating and Advising Artist-Endowed Foundations,' New York City Bar Association (Webinar) – April 25, 2022, speaker
  • 'Trending Legal Updates,' International Society of Appraisers (Virtual Conference) - March 26, 2022, speaker
  • 'Planning with an Estate's Fine Art and Collectibles that Contain Cultural Property Or Restricted Animal Material,' ABA - May 14, 2020, speaker
  • 'Art Law Presentation,' Cattolica University Milan - July 17, 2020, speaker

  • 'Tariffs: The Impact of Trade Wars on Art and Culture,' Asia Society - March 11, 2020, speaker

  • 'Legal Issues with International Art Exhibitions,' New York City Bar Association - February 27, 2020, moderator

  • 'Art Authentication: Legal and Conceptual Developments,' Federal Bar Association 2020 Art Law & Litigation Conference - February 6, 2020, speaker

  • 'Practical Tips for Art Law Practitioners,' Federal Bar Association 2019 Art Law & Litigation Conference - February 7, 2019, speaker

  • 'New York and Cross-Border Dispute Resolution,' The New York International Law Review 30th Anniversary Symposium - April 13, 2018, speaker