
Private property - Is now the right time to buy?

20 February 2020 | 2 minute watch

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Private property - Is now the right time to buy?
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Private property - Is now the right time to buy?

Note: We have provided a transcript of the video if you are unable to listen to the audio. This transcript is generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers and may contain errors.

Henry Stuart (00:08): Now is very definitely a good time to buy residential property in the UK. We've had a period of slow demand, and that is coming to an end. The domestic market is beginning to look healthier.

Ed Jarron (00:24): If you're looking at buying UK property at the moment, there's a certain degree of enthusiasm in the market from what we're hearing. Certainly the agents are reporting a lot of increased activity in new properties coming to the market in 2020.

Nick Vaughan (00:40): The recent political instability, which may have caused people to hold off on making their investment decisions, has passed. That may mean that clients are more willing to enter into the market.

Bertie Hoskyns-Abrahall (00:56): The land market in the UK is incredibly exciting at the moment. Changing government has meant the new agricultural bill, the new environment bill, is going to potentially change the world of farming, change what the countryside looks like, and completely turn on its head the traditional land market. So it's an incredibly exciting time to be interested and working in the rural environment.

Henry Stuart (01:21): The UK taxation of residential property has changed markedly over the last 10 years, but it's considered that we're now reaching a period of greater stability.

Nick Vaughan (01:35): If you are thinking about making a residential purchase in the near future, then it's very important that you get the right advice from the right team of lawyers who can help you get through the process in the most efficient way possible.

Henry Stuart (01:48): Now, in my view, is a good time to be looking at the UK residential market and investing. You heard it here first.

Henry Stuart, Bertie Hoskyns-Abrahall, Nicholas Vaughan and Edward Jarron, partners in our residential and rural property team, discuss why now may be the right time to invest in private property in the UK.

Note: We have provided a transcript of the video if you are unable to listen to the audio. This transcript is generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers and may contain errors.

Henry Stuart (00:08): Now is very definitely a good time to buy residential property in the UK. We've had a period of slow demand, and that is coming to an end. The domestic market is beginning to look healthier.

Ed Jarron (00:24): If you're looking at buying UK property at the moment, there's a certain degree of enthusiasm in the market from what we're hearing. Certainly the agents are reporting a lot of increased activity in new properties coming to the market in 2020.

Nick Vaughan (00:40): The recent political instability, which may have caused people to hold off on making their investment decisions, has passed. That may mean that clients are more willing to enter into the market.

Bertie Hoskyns-Abrahall (00:56): The land market in the UK is incredibly exciting at the moment. Changing government has meant the new agricultural bill, the new environment bill, is going to potentially change the world of farming, change what the countryside looks like, and completely turn on its head the traditional land market. So it's an incredibly exciting time to be interested and working in the rural environment.

Henry Stuart (01:21): The UK taxation of residential property has changed markedly over the last 10 years, but it's considered that we're now reaching a period of greater stability.

Nick Vaughan (01:35): If you are thinking about making a residential purchase in the near future, then it's very important that you get the right advice from the right team of lawyers who can help you get through the process in the most efficient way possible.

Henry Stuart (01:48): Now, in my view, is a good time to be looking at the UK residential market and investing. You heard it here first.

This document (and any information accessed through links in this document) is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Professional legal advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.


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