Withers' Samantha Klein and Nicky Rooz featured in CNN article "Is it time for divorce? Therapists and attorneys weigh in"
4 March 2025 | Applicable law: US | 2 minute read
Samantha Klein, Withers' head of the California family law practice and Nicky Rooz Withers' east coast family law lead partner, were featured in CNN’s recently published article, “Is it time for divorce? Therapists and attorneys weigh in.” The article discusses ways you can navigate a divorce for better outcomes and a kinder uncoupling.
Samantha Klein examines the complex situation when couples begin evaluating their relationships and consider divorce. "Some couples crumble over the weight of difficult life circumstances, but others learn to work together and come out stronger. You should try everything you can before heading into divorce and carefully consider whether it’s a road you want to go down, she cautioned. That’s because the process is hard — logistically, emotionally and financially. That said, there are ways you can navigate conflict and divorce for better outcomes and a kinder uncoupling."
Nicky Rooz discusses legal consideration when considering a divorce. "A postnuptial agreement may be a good idea for couples who aren’t sure about a divorce yet. Laying out what would happen in the event of a divorce can answer the question of whether you can afford the legal process of permanent separation. You are making those decisions when you likely are still working on the relationship and are more likely to be kind to one another."
"If you decide you can’t save the relationship, there are many ways to divorce," she added. "A bitter court battle isn’t necessary. You can mediate. You can do collaborative law. Avoiding a scenario involving the courts can yield some of the best outcomes because the two people who know the relationship best are deciding how to end it."
Samantha also highlighted how the professionals you hire can have a great impact on the course of your divorce. “Is the person you’re hiring somebody who is settlement focused, or are they going to recommend that you go to court right away? Is it somebody who sends letters that are respectful and civil and productive to opposing counsel, or somebody who sends letters that are aggressive unnecessarily and argumentative unnecessarily?”
Samantha added "Divorce is scary, and you will likely have to do a lot of work to understand your financial situation, how your lifestyle may change afterward and what happens to your home. But it doesn’t have to be a worst-case scenario, she added, especially if you aren’t shy about reaching out to resources such as accountants, financial advisers and reputable lawyers."
Please click here to read the full article.