
Michael Rueda featured in CNN's article "Podcast Stars Are Inking Massive Nine-Figure Deals. Here's Why Companies Are Writing the Big Checks"

3 September 2024 | Applicable law: US | 2 minute read

The audio podcast landscape has undergone a seismic shift, with major players in the industry securing lucrative broadcast deals that are reaching unprecedented heights which directly impacts top streaming platforms as they distance themselves from exclusive broadcast deals in favor of distribution and advertising rights.  

US Head of Sports & Entertainment group, Michael Rueda discusses the trend with CNN and shares his insights on the strategic business side of inking these deals. "While the programs have some of the industry’s biggest existing audiences, the price of the partnerships signed in recent months encompasses several future milestones, meaning the nine-figure dollar values are not necessarily what the audio giants are paying out of the gate."

“Changing the nature of the deal so that it’s not exclusive in terms of publishing but exclusive in terms of sales and of advertising makes it more attractive to the platform where you can see larger deals where maybe they pay some of this money up front and they recoup a lot of it on the ad sales on the back end.”

“Everything looks great at the beginning and new issues can arise, which can cause another shift — that’s how these markets work,” Rueda said. “But, for the near future, this seems to be the way the platforms are moving and the way that they’re signing these podcasters up, because that’s how they envision the revenue generating.”

To read the article in its entirety please click here.  Please note that a subscription may be required 

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Michael Rueda is being frequently sought out to comment on a variety of sports and entertainment trending topics, including podcast stars commanding significant pay deals and the new rules permitting private equity fund ownership in the NFL.  Michael's commentary has most recently featured in the following leading publications:

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