
Artificial intelligence (AI) and employment – what the UK manifestos say

18 June 2024 | Applicable law: England and Wales | 2 minute read

The Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green parties have all addressed the implications of AI in their manifestos. What are the problems they want to solve, and how will they do it?


  • Acknowledges the potential benefits of AI for jobs and productivity but also the risks to jobs and livelihoods;
  • Proposes to 'protect good jobs and ensure good future jobs' but does not give details;
  • Proposes to work with workers and their trade unions, employers and experts to examine what AI and new technologies mean for work, jobs and skills;
  • Aims to put 'worker voice' at the heart of the digital transition and promote best practice via consultation between unions and employers;
  • Will focus on the potential invasion of privacy arising from the use of surveillance technology and spyware and discrimination in algorithmic decision making; and  
  •  As a minimum will ensure mandatory consultation with a view to reaching agreement with unions/employee representatives over the introduction of surveillance technology.

Liberal Democrats: 

  • Do not specifically address the use of AI in an employment context but recognise AI as 'one of the most significant challenges we face';
  • Propose a legally binding regulatory framework for all forms of biometric surveillance;
  • Create a clear, workable and well-resourced cross-sectoral regulatory framework for artificial intelligence; and 
  • Ensure the use of personal data and AI is unbiased, transparent and accurate.

Green Party: 

  • Acknowledges that the rise of AI is transforming many industries and has potential for good, when well regulated;
  • Will ensure that workers’ rights and interests are respected when AI leads to significant changes in working conditions;
  • Will push for a precautionary regulatory approach to the harms and risk of AI and would align the UK approach with a globally coordinated response to future risks of AI;
  • Will aim to secure equitable access to any socially and environmentally responsible benefits AI can bring;
  • Aims to address bias, discrimination, equality, liberty or privacy issues arising from the use of AI; and 
  • Would insist on the protection of the Intellectual Property of artists, writers and musicians and other creators. 

Artificial intelligence presents both challenges and opportunities for any Government taking the lead in the next election. Time will tell how these issues are addressed – watch this space.

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