
Seminar | Exploring Japanese investment in Vietnam

8 October 2024

Hybrid seminar via Zoom and at our Tokyo office

Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM, followed by light refreshment
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, 会場には軽食及びお飲み物をご用意いたします。

Location: Withers Tokyo | ウィザーズ東京


This event has concluded. For more information on upcoming events, kindly reach out to us at tk.events@withersworldwide.com

English follows. 





  • 市場概要(セクター別の成長分野、新たなトレンド等)
  • 投資に際して一般的に用いられるストラクチャー、主要な契約条項等
  • ベトナム投資や現地法人の運営に関連する法規制
  • 税務上の影響とストラクチャリング
  • 市場参入と事業成功のためのベストプラクティス 

本セミナーは、ウィザース東京及びベトナムの大手法律事務所であるDL & Partnersの弁護士・税理士が講師を務めます。本セミナーは主に日本語で行われ、英語で行われる部分については随時日本語で補足説明を入れる予定です。


Vietnam stands out as a key investment destination for Japan, attracting substantial Japanese investments across a diverse range of sectors. As of 2023, Japan is Vietnam’s third largest source of foreign investment and its fourth largest trading partner, with bilateral trade reaching $50 billion in 2022. According to JETRO’s findings, Japanese investors have heavily invested into Vietnam, after the United States, with the presence of many Japanese companies well-established in the Vietnamese market. Due to market growth potential and geopolitical reasons, Vietnam is expected to remain an important investment destination for Japanese companies.

On the other hand, Vietnam's legal and tax systems differ significantly from Japan's in many respects. When investing in Vietnam, it is important to have a good understanding of the risks and challenges associated with investment, especially Vietnam's tax system and legal regulations.

This seminar will provide a detailed introduction to Vietnam's taxation system and laws and regulations, with particular attention to recent amendments and practical perspectives.

The seminar will cover: 

  • Market overview (sector-specific growth areas, emerging trends, etc.) 
  • Investment structures, contractual clauses, etc.  
  • Laws and regulations related to investment in Vietnam and operation of local subsidiaries 
  • Tax implications and structuring
  • Best practices for market entry and operational success 

The seminar will be conducted by lawyers and tax consultants from Withers Tokyo and DL & Partners, a leading law firm in Vietnam. The presentation will be in Japanese or English, depending on the speaker, with Japanese supplementary explanations provided for segments conducted in English.

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