
Event | Modern families navigating through trust planning and tax codes

1 October 2024 | Applicable law: EU, Hong Kong, Singapore, US

Tuesday, 1 October 2024
2:30pm - 5:30pm, followed by drinks
Venue: Withers KhattarWong LLP
18 Cross Street, #14-01, Singapore 048423

This event has concluded. For more information on upcoming events, kindly reach out to us at sg.events@withersworldwide.com

Navigating North America: key considerations for moving, investing, and planning in Canada and the US

2:30pm - 3:30pm

In this session, we will focus on the unique tax and estate issues that face families with ties to Canada and the United States. We consider how these connections can impact and shape the plans put into place by international families and how they can best preserve and efficiently transfer family wealth. 

In particular, we will discuss: 

  • Pre-immigration planning for individuals looking to move to or study in Canada
  • Accessibility to the Canadian real estate market
  • Complexities of international probate 
  • Troublesome connections that can expose international trust structures to US or Canadian taxes 



Trust begets trust - does a trust still work when a relationship breaks down? An international perspective

3:45pm - 5:30pm, followed by networking drinks

To quote the immortal words of Mahatma Gandhi, generally speaking, trust does indeed beget trust. 
However, whether you are about to enter the union of marriage or in the unfortunate event of a relationship breakdown, there are matters that trustees, beneficiaries, and wealth advisors should understand and consider in relation to any pre-existing or planned trusts. 
With the evolving legal framework, and international considerations, it is important to understand how these trusts interests would be treated in the event of a breakdown of the relationship and what can be done before problems arise, or on separation, to protect the interests of the beneficial class. 
Join our seminar to gain insights from leading family and divorce lawyers across key jurisdictions: Singapore, Hong Kong, the UK and the US who will give practical and legal insights and share their knowledge and experience on what can be done.
Equip yourself with the practical strategies required to navigate cross-border complexities including: 

    1. How do Courts around the world treat trusts in the event of divorce 
    2. Avoiding pitfalls in setting up trusts
    3. Practical steps to take today to protect long-term interests
    4. Best practices for asset protection
    5. Integrating trusts with pre/post-nuptial agreements




To register, kindly click on the respective RSVP button above or you may reach out to us at sg.events@withersworldwide.com

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