Ariel view of San Francisco

Divestitures and reorganizations

Organizations on occasions are required to change their strategic direction and approach.

This can be as a result of new leadership, or to achieve a new set of objectives, to adapt to circumstances outside of their control, to expand into new regions or to remain solvent. Whether you are looking to rationalize your business, reduce investment or change the focus of your organization, we are ideally placed to assist. We advise on corporate, structuring, tax and insolvency issues whilst also handling any other sensitive matters including litigation, employment, real estate or intellectual property.

We represented a raw materials manufacturer listed on the New York Stock Exchange throughout its acquisition by a Canadian asset management firm in a transaction worth $820m in total. That included doing IP diligence, negotiating executive compensation issues and subsequently restructuring the business in a way that minimized the global tax footprint of the company.

We have also advised hedge fund managers through the demergers of subsidiary operations and helped many non-US clients restructure investments into US entities.

Track record

A Russian holding company

We acted on behalf of the holding company and shareholders behind one of the largest conglomerates of heavy industrial companies in Russia. The company was in dispute with a bank over the basis of a loan the bank had given it. The complex legal proceedings included an LCIA arbitration in London, anti-suit injunctions and injunctions in the Netherlands.

A Russian holding company

We acted on behalf of the holding company and shareholders behind one of the largest conglomerates of heavy industrial companies in Russia. The company was in dispute with a bank over the basis of a loan the bank had given it. The complex legal proceedings included an LCIA arbitration in London, anti-suit injunctions and injunctions in the Netherlands.

A Russian holding company

We acted on behalf of the holding company and shareholders behind one of the largest conglomerates of heavy industrial companies in Russia. The company was in dispute with a bank over the basis of a loan the bank had given it. The complex legal proceedings included an LCIA arbitration in London, anti-suit injunctions and injunctions in the Netherlands.

Our team

M. Ridgway Barker

M. Ridgway Barker

Partner | Greenwich

M. Ridgway Barker

Partner | Greenwich


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Stefano Cignozzi

Stefano Cignozzi

Partner | Milan

Stefano Cignozzi

Partner | Milan


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David Guin

David Guin

Partner | New York

David Guin

Partner | New York


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Sergio Anania

Sergio Anania

Partner | Milan

Sergio Anania

Partner | Milan

Banking and finance

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