
セミナー | アウトバウンドM&A – 東南アジア、米国、欧州への投資 – 機会と課題

5 10月 2023 | Applicable law: 日本

日時: 10月5日 (木) | 午前10時~午前11時(日本時間)
Date & Time: Thursday, 05 October | 10:00 - 11:00 AM (JST)

会場: ウィザーズ東京オフィス | 100-6821東京都千代田区大手町1丁目3番1号JAビル21階
Venue: Withers Tokyo Office | 21F JA Building, 1-3-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6821


  • アウトバウンドM&Aの市場動向と機会
  • アウトバウンドM&Aを進める際の法的な勘所(主要な法規制、海外特有のリスク、契約上の留意点等)
  • アウトバウンドM&Aにおける日本の税務上の留意点
  • 成功事例や困難を伴う事例のケーススタディ


Outbound M&A – Investing in Southeast Asia, the US, and Europe – opportunities and challenges

In today's rapidly evolving global business landscape, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have become an essential strategy for companies seeking growth, diversification, and competitive advantage. Current market trends reveal investments in Europe, the US and Southeast Asia growing in interest – particularly Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines. This reflects a broader industry move to capitalize on emerging opportunities, leverage innovative technologies, and foster collaboration across international markets. With increased uncertainty in the global economy and business environment such as the global recession, high inflation, depreciation of the yen and the situation in Russia and Ukraine, where do opportunities lie and what practical considerations should you bear in mind when investing? 

Join us at this seminar where we will equip you with the knowledge and tools required to invest outside Japan confidently and successfully through examining key considerations including:

  • market trends and opportunities in outbound M&A
  • insights into legal considerations in outbound M&A (major regulations, unique risks, key considerations in transaction agreements)
  • Japanese tax implications and strategies in outbound M&A
  • real-world case studies of successful and challenging M&A.

This seminar will be conducted in Japanese. Please click here to register.

This document (and any information accessed through links in this document) is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Professional legal advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action as a result of the contents of this document.
