Please be aware that criminals may pose as someone from Withers in order to carry out scams or frauds.
We are currently aware of a number of fraudulent emails which are being received by individuals in various parts of the world, claiming to be from Withers, or individuals working for or otherwise representing Withers. These emails may, for example, indicate that the addressee of the email has inherited a substantial sum of money, and will usually ask the recipient for personal information or pay a faked Withers invoice in order to claim such funds. Please note that such emails are not from Withers, nor are we involved in any way with such emails. These communications have been sent by parties using our name without authorisation. Accordingly, neither Withers nor any of its partners, employees or consultants will be responsible for any losses incurred in connection with such fraudulent emails.
We have reported these incidents to the relevant authorities and are taking steps to try to prevent further incidents. Given that these emails are likely to be linked to organised fraud, we strongly advise that you ignore any such emails which you may receive. You should not respond or communicate further with the person who sent the email to you, nor should you reveal personal information or send any money.
For more details about this and other types of fraud you should visit the Action Fraud (the UK’s national fraud reporting centre).
Chief information security officer
Allan Campbell
Should you have any doubt about the authenticity of a communication purportedly coming from Withers please get in touch with Allan.
Email Allan